Be careful! Do not book your friend's ticket using your IRCTC ID, you may have to go to jail, know what are the rules

Ronit Kawale
Ronit Kawale - Senior Editor
3 Min Read

Many of you might be those who book tickets for yourself as well as for someone else from IRCTC account. But this act of yours can harm you, yes, if you are helping someone then this help can also send you to jail. Let us tell you, if you do this, you can be jailed for 3 years and may also have to pay a fine of 10 thousand rupees.
Let us know what are the rules regarding IRCTC ticket booking, whether you can book tickets for people with your ID or not, or whether there is any harm in doing so, you must know such rules.

Booking someone's ticket using personal identity card is a crime

Booking tickets for others using your personal ID can cost you heavily. In fact, according to Railway Act Section 143, only a person who has been officially appointed can book a train ticket. Only such people can book tickets for others using their ID.

Only tickets with same surname will be booked

A normal person can book tickets with his personal ID only for those people who are his blood relatives and who have the same surname. Apart from this, if he books a ticket for a friend or someone else, he can be fined Rs 10,000 or jailed for 3 years. In many cases, you can also get both these punishments.

This is the time and rules for booking tickets

This is the time and rules for booking tickets

If you want to book Tatkal AC tickets, it starts at 10 am. Booking of non-AC tickets starts at 11 am. A person can book up to 24 tickets in a month with one user ID on the IRCTC website. One thing to note is that you can book tickets only if your user ID is linked to your Aadhaar card. If your user ID is not linked to Aadhaar, you can book only 12 tickets in a month.

what are the rules

what are the rules

According to the rules, any person can book 12 tickets with one ID. But let us tell you that this reservation is only for oneself and family members. But if these tickets are reserved for someone else then it will be considered a crime.

How to book tickets on IRCTC?

How to book tickets on IRCTC?
  • First go to the website and then login to the app
  • Then click on book your ticket option
  • Enter boarding and destination address
  • Select travel date
  • Select travel class
  • then check train options
  • Click on Book Now option
  • Fill in the passenger details
  • After that enter your mobile number and captcha code

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