Sadhguru gave useful advice for children, said if they do not eat milk and meat then feed them these things

Ananya Shroff
3 Min Read
navbharat times

Every child is different and their health and physical reactions vary. Some children can easily digest all foods including milk, while some have extreme or severe allergies to milk and meat products. Spiritual guru Sadhguru has also talked about such allergies in children.

Sadhguru said that if the child is slightly allergic to milk and meat products, then it is okay, but if he is very allergic to these foods, then you should not give them to him. Sadhguru also told what should be fed to such children. This article is explained in detail further.

Photo Courtesy: Instagram (Sadhguru and Pexels)

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What to feed these kids?

Sadhguru said that these children should be fed lots of fruits and vegetables. Feed them as much fresh fruits and vegetables as possible. Their body will automatically adapt to it. Now if your child is allergic to milk or meat products, you can consider this advice from Sadhguru.

All photos courtesy: pexels

Yoga from a young age

Yoga from a young age

Along with this, Sadhguru has also advised children to do yoga from an early age. Children can do Surya Kriya or Surya Namaskar. This will bring such changes in the child's body that you will not believe it. Yoga has benefited millions of people, so you should make your child get into the habit of doing yoga from an early age.

Symptoms of Milk Allergy in Children

Symptoms of Milk Allergy in Children

children's health According to an article published in , when the baby drinks milk, he may complain of difficulty in breathing, cough, feeling of tightness in the throat, stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea, swelling or itching or watering of the eyes, swelling due to low blood pressure, and dizziness.

Meat allergy in children

Meat allergy in children

children's health According to WHO, children are more prone to allergies from red meat. Within two to six hours of eating meat, the child may have problems like difficulty in breathing or coughing, itchy rashes, stomach pain, upset stomach, vomiting, nausea or diarrhea, swelling of eyes, lips, tongue or throat. In this, the blood pressure drops so much that dizziness starts.

What should be done

What should be done

Stop feeding your child the food he is allergic to. If the allergy is very severe, you can also take medicine on the advice of a doctor. Cook food for the child at home and eat less outside food. Before buying any product, check its label to ensure that it does not contain milk or meat.

Photo Courtesy: Freepik

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