Can we drink rain water? This answer from CDC is probably unknown to most people

People like the rainy season to get relief from the heat. For some people, this season removes the shortage of water. That is, in the areas of the country where there is a shortage of water, people collect rain water and drink it. But the question is, should people drink rain water?
Is this water beneficial for our health? Let us tell you that in old times people used to collect rain water in their homes. They used to use it for drinking when needed. But now the situation has changed, so people are confused whether it is safe to drink rain water or not. Let's know the answer.

rainwater is safe to drink

We all know that many cities, towns and villages in India depend only on rain water. But this does not mean that rain water is completely safe. In old times, due to less pollution, rain water was like Amrit. But now pollution has increased so much that even rain water is becoming contaminated. CDC This water may contain harmful viruses and bacteria, which are the biggest reason for infecting people during monsoon.

How is drinking rain water good for health?

Due to environmental pollution, rainwater has also become polluted. It also contains fine particles that can be harmful to health. Although rainwater is clean and a good way to hydrate yourself, it is not as beneficial as water from other water sources. Another reason is that this water is more alkaline than tap water. It increases the pH of your blood and makes it more alkaline. Drinking it can make you sick.

Use rainwater for these purposes

Use rainwater for these purposes

Rain water is polluted, so people should avoid drinking it. This water can be stored for washing utensils, washing clothes, cleaning the house and watering plants.

Who should not drink rain water?

Who should not drink rain water?

Pregnant women, elderly people, infants and people with low immunity should not drink rain water even by mistake. This can be dangerous for health.

Tips for making rainwater safe

Tips for making rainwater safe

– If there is a water shortage in your city and you are dependent on rain water, then you can drink water by boiling it. By doing this, the bacteria and viruses present in the water die.
– Water filtration system needs to be used to remove heavy metals from water.
-The vessel in which you are collecting water should be made of glass, stainless steel, polypropylene and food grade material.
– The CDC says that rainwater should always be filtered before drinking. If you can't do this, it is better to use it for household purposes.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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