New Delhi. Global star Priyanka Chopra was spotted at Mumbai airport with husband Nick Jonas and daughter Malti Mary Chopra Jonas. During this, the couple was seen in stylish look. Meanwhile, little angel Malti won everyone's heart with her cuteness. As soon as Priyanka Chopra's husband Nick Jonas got out of the car at Mumbai airport, he made such a gesture while looking at the paparazzi that the video quickly went viral on social media.
A video has been shared on Priyanka Chopra's fan page, in which it can be seen that Nick Jonas is standing near the car and wife Priyanka gets down from the car holding daughter Malti in her chest. Then Nick Jonas signals the paparazzi to keep quiet so that the daughter does not get disturbed by hearing the noise. After this all three head towards the airport.
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Couple seen in stylish look at the airport
In the video, Priyanka Chopra was seen wearing cream sweatshirt, matching pants and shoes. Meanwhile, Nick Jonas was seen wearing a black T-shirt, green pants and white sneakers. He also carried a bag. The couple were wearing dark colored sunglasses. Whereas, Malti looked very cute in pink dress.
Earlier, Nick and Priyanka were spotted in Mumbai wearing traditional outfits with daughter Malti. Priyanka wore a red saree and matching color blouse. Nick was seen wearing white kurta-pajama and beige jacket. Whereas, the couple's daughter Malti was seen in red top and skirt.
Nick Jonas came to India for the second time this year
Let us tell you that Priyanka Chopra had come to India with daughter Malti at the beginning of this month. He recently launched a brand store in Jio World Plaza, Mumbai. Whereas, Nick Nojas reached Mumbai on 18 March. This is Nick's second visit to India this year. He performed at the music event in January along with his brothers, Kevin Jonas and Joe Jonas.
Tags: Bollywood news, Entertainment news., Nick Jonas, Priyanka Chopra
FIRST PUBLISHED : March 31, 2024, 10:29 IST