Now what did Yogendra Yadav say that made Prashant Kishor angry at his opponents?

New Delhi: It seems that election analyst Prashant Kishor has been hurt by the taunts of BJP opponents. Even after a heated discussion on the altercation with Karan Thapar in the interview, Prashant is adamant on his prediction. He says that there is no obstacle in the return of BJP government at the center, there can definitely be a discussion on the strength of numbers. On the other hand, Yogendra Yadav, a famous face of the anti-BJP camp, also spoke about the return of NDA government in his predictions. After this, Prashant Kishor got a chance to give a befitting reply to those who accused him of bias. Citing Yogendra Yadav's prediction, he said, 'On June 4, it will be known who is talking about whom.'

Prashant Kishore was delighted with Yogendra Yadav's guess.

Yogendra Yadav has said that BJP will get 240 to 260 seats while its allies can get 35 to 45 seats. That means NDA can get at least 275 and maximum 305 seats. Even if the minimum seat estimate is considered correct, the government will still be formed by NDA because the majority figure is only 272. Prashant Kishore has shared his comment on this estimate of Yogendra Yadav on social media.

Does Prashant Kishor's work speak for itself or is it just a slogan? Look at his track record of electoral understanding

Prashant Kishor has been adamant about his stance for a long time

In fact, Prashant Kishor has been saying for a long time that people may be somewhat angry with the BJP and Prime Minister Narendra Modi, but not so angry that voters vote to get rid of them. He claims that even if the BJP loses some seats in its stronghold north-western region, it will get some seats in the south-eastern regions. In this way, the BJP can get around 303 seats or even more than that like last time. However, if someone disagrees with him about the number of seats, Prashant says that even if the seats are less, it will not go below 272 and even if 272 seats are achieved, the government will be formed by the BJP.

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