NEET, JEE, UPSC… what will happen if you fail, these 6 things will prepare you for every disaster

Orhan Wadia
Orhan Wadia - Editor
5 Min Read
NEET, JEE, UPSC… what will happen if you fail, these 6 things will prepare you for every disaster

Sarkari Exam Result Motivation Tips in Hindi: The coming month i.e. June 2024 is very important for crores of youth of the country. NEET Result, JEE Advanced Result, CUET Result are going to come in this month. At the same time, UPSC Prelims 2024 exam is also to be held. Big events like Engineering B.Tech Admission, MBBS Admission are to be held. These are the things which if not as desired, have a deep impact on the minds of children and youth. But nothing will happen by getting disappointed. If the result is not as desired, how to lift yourself up again? Know from the expert- Shivam Dixit, Co-Founder and CEO, Counsel India…

1. Adopt a growth mindset

Growth mindset means believing that we can acquire knowledge and skills through hard work and dedication. This way you will start seeing mistakes as an opportunity to learn, not as an obstacle to moving forward. Failure gives us a chance to learn. This attitude boosts our morale and enables us to fight difficulties. For growth mindset, it is important to look at the worst situations from a positive perspective. We should focus on what we learned, not what we lost. (Photo- Pexels)

2. Develop self-compassion

Self-compassion means being kind to yourself. That is, do not treat yourself harshly when you fail. Rather, understand yourself and be kind to yourself. Just like you do with your friend when he fails. It is important to accept that everyone makes mistakes and being imperfect is a part of being human. This will not make us think less of ourselves or underestimate anyone. This creates a sense of recovery and trying again. (Photo- Pixabay)

3. Realistic expectations- Have realistic expectations

3. Realistic expectations- Have realistic expectations

If we expect ourselves to achieve very difficult goals from the very beginning, it is natural to be disappointed when we fail. On the other hand, if we set small goals and achieve them, it makes us happy. We are motivated to work harder. In this way, gradually we can achieve bigger goals as well. Failure teaches us where we are making mistakes and how to improve it next time.

4. Emotional resilience- be emotionally strong

4. Emotional resilience- be emotionally strong
  • Being mentally strong means adapting yourself to difficult situations and developing the ability to overcome problems. For this, you can adopt these methods-
  • Mindfulness and meditation: Practice both. They help manage stress and make you feel stable. They develop your ability to stay calm and focused. They help you deal with setbacks without losing your temper.
  • Positive relationships: Talking about your feelings and experiences with people you trust can open your eyes and give you courage.
  • Healthy lifestyle: A healthy lifestyle also keeps your mental and emotional health in good condition. Include regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep.

5. Reframe Failure: Reframe Failure

5. Reframe Failure: Reframe Failure

Reframing your failure means changing the way you view and deal with failure. Don't think of failure as a sign of your shortcomings. Rather, think of it as a stepping stone to success. Thomas Edison said, 'I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that won't work.' Every failure contributes to the learning process. It provides information that helps you pursue your goals.

6. Professional help: Seek help from a professional/counselor

6. Professional help: Seek help from a professional/counselor

The impact of repeated failure and facing difficulties on the mind can sometimes be unbearable. In such a situation, consulting a therapist or counselor for professional help proves beneficial. They can tell you ways to reduce stress, develop resilience and develop a positive attitude towards failure. (Photo- Pexels)

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