In this country the groom's friends kidnap the bride and then demand ransom

There are many places around the world where the way of doing weddings is very different, like in India white is worn as mourning but in foreign countries the bride wears white for her wedding. But these are the common differences. Some rituals are very funny while some are very shocking.

We are going to tell you about one such interesting wedding which strengthens love and friendship in the relationship, which is celebrated not in India but in Rome. Here there is a practice of kidnapping the bride before marriage, which… If you want to know the whole story then definitely read this article of ours.

Bride kidnapping happens here

Every country has different customs, in such a situation, the country we are talking about has a tradition of kidnapping the bride before marriage. Actually we are talking about Rome in Italy. You must be thinking that this is such a strange custom, then why does kidnapping happen? And how can it happen that kidnapping happens and no one can save you! Let us tell you the reason for this.

This is known as Bride Napping

This practice that takes place in Roman weddings is called bride napping. In this, the bride is kidnapped in front of the groom. To make this kidnapping look real to everyone, the kidnappers come with masks and weapons. This kidnapping is done in front of the guests and the groom who come to the wedding.

Who kidnaps?

Who kidnaps?

Actually, this tradition performed in Rome is as interesting as stealing shoes in India. Let us tell you that this act of kidnapping before marriage is done by the groom's friends. Yes friends and this is the reason why the bride goes with them without any protest.

Ransom was demanded from the groom

Ransom was demanded from the groom

Now it has become common that if someone is kidnapped, a ransom is demanded for him. The same thing happens in Rome. The groom's friends first kidnap the bride and then make their demands. To return the bride, a bottle of wine and the right to propose to the bride in front of everyone is demanded. This kidnapping is very fun.

(This article is based on information given on the internet. NBT does not confirm its authenticity and accuracy.)

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