New Delhi. These days, Bollywood actor Ajay Devgan is eagerly waiting for the release of his new upcoming film 'Maidan'. This is a sports drama film, which will hit the theaters in the next 11 days. In this film, Ajay Devgan will be seen in the role of football coach Syed Abdul Rahim. Before the release of the film, Ajay Devgan has posted a video of 'Maidaan' on social media, on which fans are showering their love.
Ajay Devgan has posted a video of 'Maidaan' on his Instagram handle, in which he is seen in the role of a coach encouraging his football team before the match. In the video, Ajay Devgan says, 'Thinking is one, understanding is one, heart is one, brain is one. 11 to enter the field today, but 1 to be seen.
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Ajay Devgan's 'Maidan' will be released on this day
While posting this video, Ajay Devgan wrote in the caption. '11 will take the field and in just eleven days, see the true story of coach Syed Abdul Rahim, who changed Indian history with football. Maidan will be released in theaters on April 10 on the occasion of Eid. Fans are giving reactions in the comment box. One user wrote, 'Tremendous blast'. Another commented, 'I am waiting for the release of this movie.' Whereas, the third user wrote, 'Blockbuster.'
There will be a clash with Akshay Kumar's film
Ajay Devgan's sports drama film 'Maidan' will clash at the box office with Akshay Kumar and Tiger Shroff's 'Bade Miyan Chhote Miyan'. Both the films are being released in theaters on the same day i.e. on 10th April. Although Bade Miyan, Chote Miyan and Maidan are films of different genres. Now it has to be seen which film wins in terms of collections.
These stars will be seen in 'Maidan'
'Maidan' has been produced by Boney Kapoor. Apart from Ajay Devgan, Priyamani, Gajraj Rao and other stars will be seen in important roles. Ajay Devgan's Maidaan is directed by Amit Sharma. These days, Ajay Devgan's horror film 'Shaitan' is creating a stir at the box office, which has done a business of Rs 200 crore worldwide.
Tags: Ajay Devgn, Bollywood news, Boney Kapoor, Entertainment news.
FIRST PUBLISHED : March 31, 2024, 3:36 PM IST