If you are planning a baby then lose weight beforehand, otherwise the risk of this disease will increase during pregnancy

When is gestational diabetes detected?

Dr. Gupta says that a pregnant woman gets to know about the increased blood sugar level when she gets a blood test done after 20 weeks or 5 months. The sugar level which was normal before pregnancy, increases during pregnancy. Therefore, it is important to get a gestational diabetes test done between 24 and 28 weeks.

Which women get diabetes during pregnancy?

family history: Women who have a family history of diabetes or whose mother, grandmother, father or brother has diabetes have an increased risk of developing diabetes during pregnancy.

excess weight: A publication in the National Library of Medicine According to the studyOverweight women have a higher risk of gestational diabetes.

According to doctors, women whose body mass index is above 30 are victims of gestational diabetes.

History of first pregnancy: If a woman has had gestational diabetes in her first pregnancy, she is at risk of developing it in the second pregnancy as well.

During PCOD: Women who suffer from PCOD or any other hormonal problem have an increased risk of developing diabetes during pregnancy.

What to do to prevent gestational diabetes?

What to do to prevent gestational diabetes?

This problem can be avoided by taking a healthy diet. Instead of eating large meals in 3 times, it is important to eat small meals every two hours. Apart from this, it is also important to remain active during pregnancy. Light workouts like yoga, meditation reduce the risk of this disease to a great extent. If any symptoms appear, consult a doctor and take medicines as per their advice.

Controlling weight is very important to stay healthy

Controlling weight is very important to stay healthy

Keep your weight under control before pregnancy. Since it is difficult to lose weight during pregnancy, keep your weight under control before conceiving. Within 6-8 months after delivery, the woman's insulin disappears and the sugar level also becomes normal. However, women who have gestational diabetes may develop type 2 diabetes with increasing age.

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