Why does Malaika walk like a duck? She gave such a reply to trolls on 'duck walk' that every woman should learn

Malaika Arora is one such name in the industry who remains in the headlines every day for some reason or the other. The actress is sometimes trolled because of her relationship and sometimes for her walking style. Trolls say that her duck-like gait or 'duck walk' is quite strange. In such a situation, negative things are often written about the actress on social media.

But, Malaika replied to the trolls with a tadka of comedy that left everyone speechless. The beauty won everyone's heart with her confidence while reprimanding the trolls during stand up comedy in her show 'Moving In With Malaika'. This style of the actress will give every woman who is a victim of trolling the courage to raise her voice and will also fill them with confidence. (Photo courtesy: Instagram @malaikaaroraofficial)

Said this on embarrassment about age

Malaika said that people in this country are observed by three things. In this, embarrassing women about their age and especially targeting them is a common thing. The actress says, “People are so observed about my age that I don't know what to say. Many times they call me old woman, aunty. But now I have understood that this is not because I am getting old, but because I look like this even at an older age.”

Gave a befitting reply to the trollers

Malaika is trolled for her walk almost every day. In such a situation, it is justified for her to be trolled for her 'duck walk'. The actress says, “If I have a tight butt on which I can serve a seven-course meal, then what is the problem in walking like a duck. Not only a duck, I can also walk like a cat and a leopard.”

Malaika believes that people are jealous of her because she is not able to live her old age freely and she looks the same even in old age.

Don't let your confidence wane

Don't let your confidence wane

Malaika may be 50 years old, but she has kept herself so fit that it cannot be guessed by looking at her. People have a problem with how she is so perfect even at this age and that is why she is trolled. But, Malaika has confidence in herself and she does not let these useless things dominate her.

In such a situation, if someone tries to belittle you because of your looks, then handle that situation with confidence. Confidence makes every difficult moment easier.

Don't be influenced by people

Don't be influenced by people

Malaika is trolled not only for her walk but also for dating Arjun Kapoor who is 12 years younger than her. But what people say and think has no effect on Malaika's life. The actress says that she has not forcibly held Arjun and neither is he a school-going child. He is an adult and knows the difference between right and wrong.

This is not just the case with Malaika, but people often comment on women's personal lives. But, if this is happening to you too, then do not let their words overwhelm you. Understand your good and bad and move on.

have faith in yourself

have faith in yourself

Malaika takes her own life decisions and hence it is her responsibility to decide what to do and when. She refuses people to comment on her personal life and believes in herself. In such a situation, one should ignore trolling and think about oneself. For the actress, only the opinion of her close ones matters, which should be the case for everyone.

Also see: Malaika gives fitness goals at the age of 50

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