5 things will fill your 206 bones in old age, the structure will start bending at the age of 40, if you want to stop it then leave this bad habit

Ananya Shroff
3 Min Read
navbharat times

Old age is something that no one wants to see. At this time the body loses its strength. Even small diseases cause severe trouble. Bones lose their strength. It becomes difficult to stand straight. The sad thing is that nowadays people start facing all these problems at the age of 40.

Reasons for early aging? Premature ageing is the process of showing signs of old age at a young age. In this, your age is less but your health and appearance becomes exactly like that of an old person. Health coach and dietician Manpreet Kalra has told about 5 such habits that make you age quickly.

Causes of premature aging

Eat more fruit for breakfast

Eating fruits provides nutrition. But eating too much fruit for breakfast can prove to be wrong. Excessive fructose intake can cause fluctuations in blood sugar levels. This can cause acid reflux, bloating and other stomach problems.

Eating these things will make you age faster



Many people avoid fats thinking they are harmful. But healthy fats are an excellent source of omega 3, which helps keep the skin healthy and hydrated. Unhealthy skin looks old and dull.

sitting for more than 30 minutes

sitting for more than 30 minutes

According to dietician Manpreet, if you sit in one place for more than 30 minutes without getting up, then it is increasing your age rapidly. This habit slows down metabolism and also slows down enzyme activity. Due to which fat is not converted into energy.

Not using sunscreen

Not using sunscreen

Harmful sun rays can be the reason behind skin aging at an early age. To avoid this, do not forget to use the right sunscreen. UV rays penetrate the skin layers and damage healthy skin cells. Use it in all seasons – summer, rain and winter.

late dinner

late dinner

If you eat late at night, then change this habit. Eating food at this time does not allow the body to digest calories, due to which fat starts accumulating in the body. Gradually, problems like indigestion and heartburn start arising.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always contact your doctor for more information.

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