Where did the figure of BJP winning 370 seats alone come from? S Jaishankar explained the reason

Ronit Kawale
Ronit Kawale - Senior Editor
4 Min Read

New Delhi : With the remaining two phases of voting in the Lok Sabha elections, the date of results is also getting closer. In such a situation, from leaders to political analysts, everyone has started discussing and estimating the figures of victory of BJP, Congress and other parties. Meanwhile, Foreign Minister S Jaishankar explained the reason behind BJP winning 370 seats on its own. The Foreign Minister said that the figure of 370 seats released by the party on its own was not random.

The Prime Minister did not give any number just like that

On BJP calling its claim of winning 370 seats a slogan, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar said that I don't think PM Modi has given any number just like that. He said that some thought has been given to this. It is clear that we will be able to maintain our position in many states. Apart from this, we will increase our seats in some states like Bengal, Odisha, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh. The External Affairs Minister said this in an interview to a TV channel. On BJP's claim of doing well in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Odisha and West Bengal, the External Affairs Minister said that BJP is a 'professional, serious' party and does not rely on estimates. He said that we analyze at the booth level and move upwards.

I was sitting with the Prime Minister when… Foreign Minister Jaishankar called and told me everything related to stopping the Russia-Ukraine war.

How many seats will BJP get?

When asked what number he would choose if he had to bet on the number of seats BJP would get in the upcoming elections? In response to this question, Dr. Jaishankar said that he would leave the exact number to election experts. He said that I am feeling a pro-incumbency wave in many states. Jaishankar said that there is a lot of positive in our favor. I think our vote share can increase by five percent compared to 2019, it can be even more than that. He said that based on my experience, I think our number will not decrease but will increase.

Congress will not reach three digits…how much will BJP get? Know what Prashant Kishor said before the results of the Lok Sabha elections

Relation of Jammu and Kashmir with 370?

Many have linked the BJP's 370+ target to the removal of Article 370 from Jammu and Kashmir by the Narendra Modi government. People say that by winning 370 seats, the party wants to dedicate it to its leader Syama Prasad Mukherjee. The law granting 'special status' to Jammu and Kashmir was repealed a few months after the Modi government was re-elected for a second consecutive term in August 2019. The Centre had split the then state into the two current Union Territories of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh. The BJP has set a target of winning 370 seats on its own and over 400 seats in alliance with the NDA.

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