This will remove baldness and thick hair will grow on the head, the result of this remedy is very amazing.

Everyone is troubled by hair fall and non-growth, especially girls have to face a lot of problems due to hair fall. Who knows what oils and shampoos she uses for this. If you are also troubled by hair fall, then try this home remedy once before becoming a victim of baldness, because if you use it once, then after seeing its amazing results, you will not be able to stop using it. . Then what are you waiting for, let's make this recipe to thicken hair.

causes of hair fall

If your hair falls out a lot, the main reason for this is lack of nutrition and an unbalanced lifestyle. To keep your hair healthy, it is important that you include nutrients in your diet, do not wash your hair daily, do not use hair products that do not suit your hair and most importantly get enough sleep. These few measures can help prevent hair loss.

need these things

  • Water- 3 glasses
  • Rosemary – 1 handful
  • Mint – 6-7 leaves
  • Clove- 1 teaspoon
  • Spray bottle- 1

Prepare this recipe like this

Prepare this recipe like this
  • First of all, take a pan and add three glasses of water in it.
  • When the water becomes lukewarm, add henna leaves, mint and cloves to it and let the water boil.
  • After boiling the water for about 20-25 minutes, when the color of the water turns brown, turn off the gas.
  • Let the water cool and then fill it in a spray bottle.
  • Spray it on your hair and scalp before bathing or sleeping at night.
  • Within a few days you will see that hair fall has reduced.

Rosemary is a boon for hair

Rosemary is a boon for hair

Nowadays, the craze for rosemary has increased a lot among people, because it is very beneficial for our hair. It not only reduces hair fall but also increases their growth. If you do not have this plant in your house, then its powder available in the market can also be used.

Not only cloves but mint also has many benefits.

Not only cloves but mint also has many benefits.

Clove is so beneficial for increasing hair growth that you can also use its water. Additionally, mint has also been added to this recipe because carotene and antioxidants are found in abundance in it, which help in hair growth. It also helps in removing dandruff and lice.

(Disclaimer: This article is for your information. Also remember that everyone's skin is different, so do not forget to do a patch test before adopting any kind of remedy. If your skin is sensitive or you have any kind of allergy. If so, first talk to a skin specialist and use it on the skin as per his advice.

Also see: Reduce hair fall with the help of eggs

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