This is the world's most haunted village, from dogs to humans, everyone is a ghost

Ronit Kawale
Ronit Kawale - Senior Editor
4 Min Read

There is a village named Pluckley just an hour away from London. This village may look very ordinary, but the stories here will send chills down your spine. If we look at the history of this village, we will find stories of horrific murders, scary faces and forests full of screams. This is one of the most haunted places in Britain and has also made its place in the Guinness Book of World Records in 1989.

The history of Pluckley is such that many people have been murdered here and many people claim that this is the reason why the most number of spirits roam here. Not only this, the name of this village is also recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. It is said that the spirits of dead people and animals still roam in the streets of a small village in Britain. Let us tell you about this place.

12 places that are haunted

There are 12 such places in this village where ghosts have been seen roaming freely. Let us tell you, this place has become famous for spending holidays. Because this village has become a tourist spot due to being haunted. It is said that there are 12 such places here where people have seen many ghosts. Not only this, if someone hugs you from behind while walking on the road, it is not necessary that it is a human being, it may be that a spirit is calling you from behind.

There are different ghost stories in the village

Although this village is very beautiful and you will get all the facilities in this village. It also includes church, school, restaurant and many shops. The local people of this village tell the media that every ghost here has a different story. It is said that in the 18th century some people hanged a man by cutting him with a sword on the highway, since then his soul is wandering here. Apart from this, there are other ghosts here who have different stories.

These are some ghost stories

These are some ghost stories

The Screaming Man: One of the most popular ghosts of Pluckley is the Screaming Man. It is believed that he worked at the village's brick kiln and unfortunately fell to his death.

The robber: The robber was also killed by a sword and was hanged on a tree now known as Fright Corner. He now appears as a shadowy figure to locals and tourists.

Old Woman: Sometimes, the ghost of an old woman can be seen. It is believed that she accidentally set herself on fire while sleeping.

People come here to visit

People come here to visit

Most people know about this village. But still they come here to spend their holidays. The history of this village is very old. Many soldiers of the First World War also lived here. It is said that after dying those soldiers came here as ghosts to meet their families and never returned.

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