These two cities of India have the world's largest banyan trees, one in UP is more than 500 years old

On this day, Savitri and Satyavan are worshiped under the banyan tree. Women in India observe fast on this day. On this day, women offer water to the banyan tree and worship it. It is believed that the roots of the banyan tree represent Brahma. The trunk of the banyan tree represents Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva resides in the upper part of the banyan tree. It is believed that by worshiping under this holy tree, all the wishes of the devotees are fulfilled. Today, on this occasion, we are going to tell you about the largest banyan tree in India, which is recognized as the largest banyan tree in the world.

The banyan tree in Kolkata is 250 years old

The largest banyan tree is planted in Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Botanical Garden in Kolkata, Howrah city of West Bengal. This banyan tree is 250 years old. Local people believe that when Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Indian Botanical Garden was established around this tree in 1787, the age of this tree was 15 to 20 years. Today it is famous as the largest banyan tree in the world. The roots and large branches of this banyan tree are so much that anyone who sees it feels as if he has come to a forest. Seeing it, it does not seem at all that it is just a tree.

Features of this tree

Talking about the specialty of this banyan tree, it is spread over about 14,500 square meters and is about 24 meters high. There are more than 3 thousand dangerous branches on this giant tree. Most of the dangerous branches have turned into roots. It is famous as the world's widest tree or walking tree. More than 80 species of birds reside on this tree.

How to reach Banyan Tree Kolkata?

How to reach Banyan Tree Kolkata?

If you are planning to see this 250-year-old banyan tree, then you can reach there in 27 hours by road. Whereas by train you will be able to reach there in 22 to 24 hours and see this banyan tree. By going by flight on weekends, you will be able to know the specialty of this tree.

The second largest banyan tree of the country is located in Bulandshahar

The second largest banyan tree of the country is located in Bulandshahar

The world's oldest banyan tree is present at Gangatirth Ramghat of Narora in Bulandshahr, Uttar Pradesh. Religiously revered, this banyan tree is full of medicinal properties. This tree has long been included in the category of mythological and historical trees in the populated and forest areas of India. According to scientists from the Botanical Survey of India Prayagraj and Romania, the huge banyan tree located in the forests of Gangatirth Ramghat in Narora area of ​​​​Bulandshahr district is the oldest tree in the world.

Its sample was tested using radio carbon technology, which found that the age of this tree is more than 500 years. This tree of Bulandshahr is one of the most developed trees in the world. This huge banyan tree of Bulandshahr ranks 10th among the banyan trees of the world. Not only this, the upper circumference of the Narora banyan tree is spread over 4,069 square meters. Which is incredible in itself.

How to Reach Bulandshahr

How to reach Bulandshahr?

If you want to see this huge banyan tree, you can see it in one day from Delhi. You can reach there by road in just two to three hours by your personal vehicle or bus. If you want to go there by bus, first reach Bulandshahr, after that you can see this banyan tree by taking a local vehicle in Narora area.

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