Swelling in feet is a symptom of not one but many diseases, be careful

Swelling of the feet is a common problem, but it happens only occasionally. But if it happens daily or repeatedly, it can be a symptom of many problems and should not be ignored.

In normal cases, swelling in the feet starts due to poor blood circulation. Furthermore, it is often a sign of physical or mental problems.

In severe cases, swelling in the legs can be caused by kidney disease and in some people it is also associated with heart disease. Therefore, if you have the problem of swelling in your feet, do not ignore it and consult your doctor.


With increasing age, people develop the problem of arthritis, due to which symptoms like pain and swelling in the feet are also seen.

Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are enlarged veins. It can affect any nerve of the body. But it most commonly affects the feet or toes. These veins can cause swelling and pain in the legs.

heart problems

Cardiovascular problems, such as slow heartbeat and decreased functioning, can lead to heart disease and swelling in the legs.

kidney disease

Swelling in the legs is the most important sign of kidney disease. When not enough sodium reaches the kidneys, the kidneys do not function properly and swelling in the legs may occur.

liver disease

Liver disease, such as cirrhosis, can cause fluid to accumulate in the body, causing swelling in the legs.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for further details.

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