Oh my God! Cyber ​​criminals defrauded Rs 1750 crore in four months, know how people get trapped in this trap

Ronit Kawale
Ronit Kawale - Senior Editor
4 Min Read
Oh my God! Cyber ​​criminals defrauded Rs 1750 crore in four months, know how people get trapped in this trap

New Delhi: To provide his family with two meals a day and a good life, the common man never hesitates to work hard and tries to give his children a good future by saving every penny, but many times the evil eye of thieves falls on the common man. It falls on the treasury of dreams and ruins the dreams of a golden future of the family. These days, common people are more afraid of cyber fraud than thieves that they may fall prey to these fraudsters. Not even half the year of 2024 has passed, in just the first four months, more than 7 lakh cases of cyber fraud have come to light in the country. These people have fallen prey to cyber fraud worth thousands of crores of rupees in just four months. In a report by ET, quoting the Indian Cyber ​​Crime Coordination Center, it has been told that in the first four months of this year alone, Indians have lost thousands of crores of rupees due to cyber fraud.

Fraudsters defrauded more than Rs 1700 crore

According to the Cyber ​​Crime Coordination Center, Indians have suffered a loss of Rs 1,750 crore in the first four months of the year 2024. For which more than 7 lakh 40 thousand people have lodged a complaint of fraud. According to the report, 7 thousand complaints were registered every day from January to April. Out of which 85 percent of the complaints are of online fraud. Let us tell you that these cases are much higher than in previous years.

Cyber ​​fraud cases have gained momentum

Cyber ​​fraud cases in the country are increasing year after year. In the last five years, the graph of cyber fraud cases has increased rapidly. If we look at the figures, only 26 thousand 49 cases of cyber crime were reported in the year 2019. After which this figure reached lakhs in 2020. In the year 2020, these cases increased to 2 lakh 57 thousand 777. After that in 2021 it reached 4 lakh 52 thousand 414 and in 2022 it reached 9 lakh 66 thousand 790. Last year, cases of cyber fraud in the country had reached 15 lakh 56 thousand 218. There are only two reasons for the increase in cyber fraud cases, one is that cyber fraudsters are committing fraud in new ways every day and the second is that there are still many people in the country who are careless about the ways to avoid cyber fraud. They pretend to be and become victims of these fraudsters due to greed.

What type of scam are most people falling into?

The biggest reason behind the increase in cyber fraud cases in our country is greed. Cyber ​​fraudsters are fooling people by luring them with money. Let us tell you that this year cyber fraudsters have defrauded Rs 1420 crore through trading scams. In the first four months, more than 20 thousand cases were registered regarding this scam. In which 4599 cases of digital arrest have come to light. In which people were defrauded of Rs 120 crore.

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