If you don't get time, try planting these 5 low-maintenance plants, your house will remain green even in summer.

Everyone likes gardening, some people also take out time and plant new plants in the garden. However, it is not necessary for everyone to devote so much time to their hobby. Even if some people take out time and plant trees, they do not have time to take care of them. Then when the plants dry up, you start regretting planting them.

In such a situation, if you are fond of gardening and want to plant new plants even in the summer season, then we are telling you about 5 such plants which grow easily. These plants require less water and less care. These plants do not dry up even in extreme heat but keep the house green. Not only this, people who are new to gardening can also plant these plants easily.

Succulent Plants

Succulent plants look very beautiful in the balcony and bloom well even in bright sunlight. Actually, those plants of desert areas whose leaves are fleshy or pulpy are called succulent plants. They are also grown as ornamental plants. Their specialty is that they survive for a long time even in less water. When these plants are cut, juice, water or gum comes out.

aloe vera

Aloe vera is a very useful plant that grows well even with less care. Its specialty is that it can tolerate high heat as well. Therefore, you can give good growth to aloe vera by watering it from time to time. Let us tell you that aloe vera is used as a medicine, so applying it will also be beneficial.

money plant

money plant

Money plant with green-white and some yellow heart-shaped leaves grows rapidly. There is no need to keep it in direct sunlight. In such a situation, you can plant it indoors during the summer season. Its specialty is that it can thrive even in low light. Although people plant money plant in water, it grows well in an earthen pot.



Cactus is also a low-maintenance plant, it is available in different sizes and colors. Its specialty is that it can tolerate extreme heat, it does not require much water and it can grow well even in low light. Apart from this, cactus also helps in enhancing the beauty of the house.

snake plant

snake plant

Snake plant is also one of the best choices for indoor gardening and low-care plants. It is a hardy plant that can survive even in low light and water. Its specialty is that it also helps in purifying the air. This plant can be easily grown in any corner of your room or office cabin.

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