A balanced diet is important
The body's need for nutrition increases during pregnancy. At this time, a balanced diet is required to meet the nutritional needs of the mother and the fetus. For proper utilization of nutrients and vitamins, it is important to exercise daily and get sunlight.
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What to eat during pregnancy?
At this time, your focus should be on iron, folic acid, vitamin B12, iodine and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Iron and folic acid are also necessary at this time. For vitamin B12, you can consume curd and yogurt. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are available from fatty fish. If you are a vegetarian, you can eat green leafy vegetables, seeds and nuts.
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Be sure to take minerals and vitamins
You can get minerals and vitamins from beans, seasonal vegetables, fresh fruits and animal-based sources during pregnancy. Iron comes from foods containing beans, dried fruits and meat. Apart from this, vitamin C is also available from guava and orange. Drink milk to get calcium and sit in the sun for a while to get vitamin D.
Important contribution of grains in diet
Cereals will give you energy and can fulfill 45 percent of your daily energy requirement. Eating pulses fulfills the daily protein requirement and also provides fiber and micronutrients. You can take nuts, oils, seeds and seafood to provide essential fatty acids to the body. These also fulfill micronutrients and fiber.
What should not be eaten during pregnancy?
You should not smoke, chew tobacco and drink alcohol during pregnancy. Avoid carbonated beverages. Don't eat foods made with hydrogenated fats. Do not sleep immediately after meals. Do not drink tea, coffee and other caffeinated beverages with meals or immediately after meals. Do not lift heavy objects or do strenuous physical activity.