boy names starting with the letter a
Names starting with A include Abhik, Abhimaan and Abhineet. Abhik means beloved, Abhimaan means affection and pride and Abhineet means calm, loving and forgiving. All three names are very simple.
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Anav, Anurag and Arham
If you are looking for a name starting with the letter A for your son, take a look at names like Anav, Anurag and Arham. Anav means kind and Anurag means affection, devotion and love. While Arham means kind and compassionate.
Hridan, Hridansh and Hridesh
All three names are similar to the name Hardik. Out of these, Hridaan means one who gives his heart, Hridansh means part of the heart and Hridesh means owner of the heart. If you want a unique name for your son then you can consider these three names.
Jian, Jiansh and Kamesh
The names starting with the letter J in this list are Jian and Jiansh. Out of these, Jian means close to the heart, Jiansh means part of the heart. Kamesh is also a baby boy name and it means God of love. All the three names are associated with love.
human and mental
You will definitely like both these names. You can discuss these names with your family. Manvik means kind and Manas means heart, will, conscience, mind and intellect. If you want a name starting with the letter M for your son, then you can think of these two names.
Nirvaira and Paranjaya
Nirvair is a very beautiful name and it means one who has no enemies and is peace loving. Whereas Paranjay means one who is kind. You can choose any of these two names for your baby.