First death in the world due to H5N2, WHO becomes alert, is the virus spreading through chicken too? Do not ignore these 5 symptoms

For the past few months, the outbreak of the new strain of bird flu, H5N2 virus, is spreading in many countries of the world including America. Now there is news of the first death due to this virus. It is being told that recently a person has died due to this virus in Mexico, America. The worrying thing is that this virus was never seen in humans before.

Who WHO has confirmed this case, although it is not clear how this person might have been infected with this virus. But it is being said that this virus was found in chickens in Mexico. Scientists are worried that due to changes in the virus, it may spread rapidly in humans.

Virus spreading among chickens

According to the report, the person who died had several pre-existing health problems and there is no indication of how the infection spread to him. People nearby were also tested, but no one tested positive for bird flu. WHO said that they have no evidence that the infection spread from one person to another.

What did WHO say on bird flu?

H5N2 is dangerous to humans

This new H5N2 strain is different from the H5N1 bird flu strain previously found in the US. Viruses like H5N2 usually infect animals, but can sometimes spread to humans. It is important to keep an eye on such viruses because they can change and become dangerous to humans.

What is H5N2 virus?

What is H5N2 virus?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), avian influenza viruses are usually found in animals, but they can also infect humans. In most cases, human infection occurs through direct contact with infected animals or contaminated environments.

How does the virus spread?

How does the virus spread?

The bird flu virus has so far mostly infected animals such as seals, raccoons, bears and cattle. The infection usually spreads when these animals come into contact with infected birds. However, scientists are concerned that the virus may change and easily spread to humans. So they are constantly monitoring this virus.

What are the symptoms of H5N2?

What are the symptoms of H5N2?

Infection with avian influenza viruses in humans can cause mild or severe upper respiratory tract infections and can be life-threatening. It can also cause symptoms such as swollen eyes, stomach problems, swelling of the brain and problems with brain function.

Treatment of H5N2

Treatment of H5N2

Laboratory tests are essential for detecting influenza infection in humans. WHO continuously updates guidelines for detecting zoonotic influenza using RT-PCR. Some research suggests that certain antiviral medications, particularly neuraminidase inhibitors, may prevent rapid spread of the virus.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always contact your doctor for more information.

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