Famous Bollywood actress Rati Agnihotri, who appeared in 'Ek Duje Ke Liye' with Kamal Haasan, married businessman Anil Virwani in 1985. Tired of the fights that started after marriage, Rati Agnihotri divorced her husband Anil Virwani in 2015. However, Rati's social media account is filled with many pictures with her husband and son. Now Rati's son Tanuj Virwani has said something about his parents' relationship.
Tanuj Virwani has now made a big revelation about the relationship between his mother Rati Agnihotri and father Anil. Talking to NDTV, Tanuj said, 'I don't understand why people say that my parents are separated. They are divorced. If I tell you in simple language, my parents are not separated. Yes, in the year 2015, some things were not right and due to this, both of them decided to separate for some time, but then they came together. We live in the same house and also go for holidays. We also eat together.'
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Tanuj Virwani further said, 'There are ups and downs in marriage. There was a rift between my parents too but now both are fine. I am their only son and hence it is my responsibility to fix things so that everyone can live together. I did that and my parents are together now. This is success for me.'
As soon as they got married, her husband started pressuring her to leave films.
Let us tell you that Rati, who has worked with superstars like Rajinikanth, Kamal Haasan and Chiranjeevi, has made a lot of space in the hearts of the audience. It is said that her husband did not like her working in films and as soon as they got married, he started pressuring her to quit films. Despite this, Rati did films till 1988, but after that she stayed away from films for about 13 years.
In the allegations, Rati had also talked about assault
With time, news of rift in her marital relationship started making headlines in the media. It is said that she had also accused her husband of harassment. Her fight with her husband reached the stage of physical assault and finally one day, fed up with this, Rati filed a police complaint against her husband's atrocities in 2015. In her allegations, Rati had even talked about assault. The actress had said, 'I tolerated my husband's atrocities for a long time but now all limits have been crossed, so I have decided to end our relationship.' She had said that for the sake of her son Tanuj, she remained silent for so many years because she wanted to keep her son away from such fights.