Amid review of Agniveer scheme, Army has started the second phase of recruitment process

Ananya Shroff
2 Min Read

New Delhi: The Army has announced the second phase of the Agniveer recruitment process. Defence PRO Guwahati said that this phase is an important milestone in the Army's efforts to change its requirements processes and ensure a smooth and efficient selection process for interested candidates. This recruitment is free, fair and transparent, so all candidates are advised not to contact any brokers.

Let us tell you that the Agneepath Recruitment Scheme was launched in June 2022. The aim of this scheme is to reduce the average age of soldiers in all three forces (Army, Air Force and Navy). Under this scheme, youth between 17 years 6 months to 21 years are recruited for four years. There is a provision to keep 25% of them in the army for 15 more years. The recruitment process consists of two phases. The first phase is of online written examination and the second is of recruitment rally.

Recently, a group of secretaries from 10 key ministries were tasked to review the Agneepath scheme. They were asked to suggest how the recruitment programme in the armed forces can be made more attractive. The scheme had become a major issue in the election campaign, with opposition parties, especially the Congress, promising to withdraw it if they came to power. This group of secretaries is expected to make a final presentation to Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

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