A unique Shani temple in Kanpur, where God keeps an eye on PM Modi, Rahul, Advani

Uttar Pradesh is called a state of diversity. There are many places for tourism here, from cultural to religious places. One such temple is located in Kanpur, UP. It has been established to end the corruption spread in the country. This temple has been named as Corruption System Destroyer Shanidev Temple.
The specialty of this temple is that there are pictures of many leaders, ministers and administrative officers inside it and Shanidev keeps a constant eye on the pictures of these leaders. It is believed that Shanidev does not say anything to a person doing good work, but his eyes turn crooked on a person doing wrong work.

Shanidev's eye is on politicians and officials

This temple is built in Kalyanpur area of ​​Kanpur metropolis. This Shani temple is unique in itself. There are pictures of many politicians and administrative officers on the walls of the temple. Lord Shani decides who is working honestly and who is involved in corruption. Lord Shani blesses those who do good work, while those involved in corruption are destroyed.

Divine power removes corruption

There are three idols of Lord Shani inside this temple, all three are facing different directions. The founder of this temple says that Lord Shani's gaze falls directly on the picture kept inside the temple. He said that corruption is at its peak in India, which can only be removed by divine powers.

Photos of the judge are kept in the temple

Photos of the judge are kept in the temple

Many such pictures have been put up in the temple which are directly related to the Indian judicial system. According to the temple's founder Ravi Sharma, the judiciary, the executive and the legislature, all three are powerful. Due to which pictures of powerful judges of the Supreme Court and High Court and powerful leaders have been put up in the temple. According to the founder, Shanidev has been prayed to give progress to those who work in the interest of the public and bring down those who harm the public and those involved in corruption. The future of everyone has been left to Shanidev.

How to reach Shani Temple?

How to reach Shani Temple?

If you are also planning to visit this temple, then you can visit this temple in just one day by going to Kanpur from Delhi. You will be able to visit this temple easily by road and train. It will take you about 9 hours to go by road and train. After reaching Kanpur, you will be able to visit the temple comfortably.

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