If you want to become a mother then have a child at the right time, if you delay then the risk of this disease may increase

Hormonal changes occur in the body of women after pregnancy. During this time, they have to face many problems. Problems like dizziness, headache, morning sickness are common in pregnancy. During this time, many women also suffer from gestational diabetes. This is a disease that develops during pregnancy.

But have you ever heard of cancer during pregnancy? However, this is a rare condition. But many people have questions about whether cancer can occur during pregnancy, what harm it can cause to the baby in the womb and how to identify cancer. Dr. Vani Parmar, Chief Breast Surgical Oncologist at Punyashlok Ahilya Devi Holkar, says that there is a risk of breast cancer during pregnancy.

Can cancer occur during pregnancy?

Which cancers can occur during pregnancy?

The most common cancer that occurs during pregnancy is breast cancer. In this, the size of the breast increases and many changes also start taking place. These changes hide the symptoms of cancer, due to which breast cancer cannot be detected in its initial stage during pregnancy. According to the National Institutes of HealthThis cancer affects 1 in 3000 women. This is another dangerous disease that affects pregnancy.

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Which women face problems?

Cancer cases during pregnancy are very rare. Women who do not have children, who do not breastfeed, or who delay pregnancy are at higher risk of cancer.

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Cancer Treatment During Pregnancy

Cancer Treatment During Pregnancy

If cancer is detected during pregnancy, the first thing doctors recommend is abortion. This is because cancer treatment takes at least six months to complete and there are difficulties in giving certain treatments during pregnancy. Dr. Vani says that surgery in the first three months is risky. On the other hand, if surgery is planned in the last three months, then special care has to be taken to ensure that delivery does not take place.

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Is chemotherapy safe during pregnancy?

Is chemotherapy safe during pregnancy?

According to experts, chemotherapy is completely safe after the first three months. If cancer is detected in the second trimester of pregnancy, then treatment is possible. However, if cancer is detected in the last three months of pregnancy or around the date of delivery, then there is not much risk. Because then the treatment is planned according to the weakness of the pregnancy.

Is it possible to have a healthy delivery despite cancer?

Is it possible to have a healthy delivery despite cancer?

Having cancer does not mean that a pregnant woman cannot give birth to a child. However, in this case delivery is a little difficult, but if precautions are taken then a healthy baby can be born. It would be better if you talk to your doctor in this regard beforehand.

Can a woman become pregnant again after treatment?

Can a woman become pregnant again after treatment?

Even after cancer treatment, a woman can become a mother in a healthy way. Because some treatments stop the functioning of the ovaries. Therefore, a woman suffering from cancer does not have any problem in conceiving again after treatment. This also does not pose any risk to the child in the future.

If a woman develops cancer during pregnancy, she should ask her doctor about any specific tests she may need and also find out if it is safe for the mother and the baby to continue the pregnancy.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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