By this way of eating banana, muscles will be filled with strength, lifeless and weak structure will remain strong till the age of 60.

How to remove weakness, what to eat to remove weakness from the body, how to remove fatigue and weakness, what are the remedies to remove fatigue? These are such questions whose answers everyone wants to know. Nowadays almost everyone is struggling with fatigue and weakness.

The problem of fatigue and weakness increases in summer. The body is becoming hollow from inside due to the habit of sitting for hours, bad eating habits, lack of physical activities etc. Due to bad eating habits, the body is not getting the nutrients that give strength.

Now not only the elderly but even the young and children get tired after doing a little work. The body is becoming fat but there is no life left in the muscles and bones. If you are also troubled by weakness, then adopt these measures. Ayurveda expert Dr. Robin Singh We are telling you the home remedy to increase strength in your body.

what do you want?

  • a ripe banana
  • one spoon pure desi ghee
  • 1 teaspoon powdered sugar
  • To make this, mix banana and ghee well.
  • Mix one spoon sugar candy powder in it.
  • Your energy booster mixture is ready

treasure of strength

how to consume

The doctor told that this mixture should be consumed twice a day. One should drink lukewarm milk after eating this.

May strength increase in summer

May strength increase in summer

If you feel less energy, tired and weak during summer days, then you must consume this mixture. The doctor believes that with this home remedy you can double the strength of your body.

Strength will double in 21 days

Strength will double in 21 days

According to the doctor, this native mixture is a tonic of strength. If you are weak and ill then consume this mixture for 21 days. After this you will never feel weakness.

good sleep aid

good sleep aid

Experts said that after consuming this strength tonic, you will feel like working and most importantly, you will get good sleep. That means people who have insomnia should definitely consume it.

Septuagint enhancer

Septuagint enhancer

There are seven metals in the body, namely plasma, blood, muscle, fat, bone, bone marrow and reproductive fluid. The doctor believes that consuming this home remedy can help you in strengthening them.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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