New Delhi. Tiger Shroff interacted with his fans by going live on his Instagram on Sunday. While many fans including superstar director Siddharth Anand were curious about when the actor will start working on 'Rambo', there was one question which made Tiger Completely surprised.
A fan talked to him about his favorite stunt. Without specifying which position he was actually talking about, Tiger jokingly replied, 'Favorite stunt position?' Umm I'm not picky'.
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The actor has recently purchased a property worth Rs 7.5 crore in Pune. According to the documents received from Japki, the actor had taken the property on rent for Rs 3.5 lakh per month. The property is located in Hadapsar area of Pune and is spread over an area of 4248 square feet. According to the assignment deed, Tiger had purchased it from ASN Properties Pvt Ltd on March 5 by paying stamp duty of Rs 52.5 lakh for the property. According to media reports, the actor has leased this property to a private firm, which does the business of beverages.
Let us tell you, Tiger Shroff will soon be seen in the film 'Bade Miyan Chhote Miyan' with Akshay Kumar. Along with Akshay Kumar, Manushi Chhillar and Alaya F will be seen playing important roles in this film.
Tags: Bollywood actors, Entertainment news., Tiger Shroff
FIRST PUBLISHED : March 31, 2024, 10:04 PM IST