The trailer of Bhojpuri film 'Jaisi Saas Vaisi Bahu' has been released. Made under the banner of Rama Prasad Production, this film shows the conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in a very funny way. The trailer of 'Jaisi Saas Vaisi Bahu' has been released on the official channel of Entertain Rangeela, in which Yamini Singh and Kiran Yadav are in the lead roles.
The trailer of 'Jaisan Saas Vaisan Bahu' tells the story of three daughters-in-law and their strict mother-in-law. The old-fashioned mother-in-law rules over her two daughters-in-law. Both the daughters-in-law are fed up of their mother-in-law's atrocities and then Yamini Singh enters the house as the youngest daughter-in-law. Although the mother-in-law is seen ruling over her third daughter-in-law in her old-fashioned way, it becomes too much for her.
This time the daughters-in-law have also taken the oath
The third daughter-in-law tolerates everything in the beginning but later she stands up against it. Seeing this attitude of the daughter-in-law, the mother-in-law targets the entire house. In this fight, all three sons agree to leave their wives. However, this time the daughters-in-law have also vowed to end this atrocity forever. The producers of this film are Vinay Singh and Rama Prasad and it is directed by Ajay Kumar Jha.
Kiran Yadav in the role of Mother in law
The film stars Kiran Yadav in the lead role of mother-in-law and Yamini Singh in the role of Choti Bahu. The film also stars many other actors like Sangam Rai, Prakash Jais, Subodh Seth, Kiran Nirmal, Rinku Bharti, Swetha Verma, Rinku Aayushi and Satya Prakash.