New Delhi: The Modi government, which came to power for the third time after the results of the Lok Sabha elections, achieved another milestone on Tuesday. Today's news brought relief for the NDA, which was trailing behind the majority in the Rajya Sabha. In the Rajya Sabha by-elections, nine BJP and three members of allies were elected unopposed, after which the BJP's figure reached 96 and the total seats of the NDA in the Upper House became 112. With this, the NDA achieved the majority figure. The three others elected unopposed include one member each from NDA ally Ajit Pawar's faction's NCP and Rashtriya Lok Manch. The ruling coalition also has the support of six nominated and one independent member.
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After the election of 12 Rajya Sabha MPs, the number of NDA has touched the majority figure. During this time, one member of Congress has also been elected, taking the number of opposition in the Upper House to 85. There are 245 seats in Rajya Sabha, although currently eight are vacant, including four from Jammu and Kashmir and four nominated. The current strength of the House is 237 and the majority figure is 119.Who all are going to Rajya Sabha?
Mission Ranjan Das and Rameshwar Teli from Assam, Manan Kumar Mishra from Bihar, Kiran Chaudhary from Haryana, George Kurien from Madhya Pradesh, Dheer Sheel Patil from Maharashtra, Mamta Mohanta from Odisha, Ravneet Singh Bittu from Rajasthan and Rajeev Bhattacharya from Tripura were elected unopposed. Congress candidate from Telangana is Abhishek Manu Singhvi. Nitin Patil of NCP's Ajit Pawar faction from Maharashtra and Upendra Kushwaha of RLM from Bihar were elected to the Rajya Sabha.
The NDA has been striving for a majority figure in the Rajya Sabha for the past decade. Now that it has been achieved, bills can be passed without any hurdles in the country's upper house. In the past few years, the sheer numbers of the opposition have often come in the way of these bills in the upper house. Some of these bills could be passed with the help of non-alliance parties like Naveen Patnaik's Biju Janata Dal and YS Jaganmohan Reddy's YSR Congress.
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