Congress leader Rahul Gandhi participated in the budget discussion in the Lok Sabha. Rahul Gandhi spoke about the atmosphere of fear in the country. Rahul Gandhi targeted BJP through Mahabharata. Rahul Gandhi targeted PM Modi by referring to Chakravyuh. Rahul Gandhi said that 6 people are controlling the Chakravyuh. Rahul Gandhi said that the country is trapped in the Chakravyuh. Rahul Gandhi attacked the government during his speech and said, do not be afraid, do not scare others.
'Ministers, farmers, voters, everyone is scared'
Rahul Gandhi said that today ministers, farmers, voters, workers, everyone is scared. He said that I have thought a lot about this and I present the answer to it. Thousands of years ago in Kurukshetra, Haryana, a young Abhimanyu was killed by 6 people in a Chakravyuh. He was killed after getting trapped. There is fear and violence inside the Chakravyuh and Abhimanyu was killed after getting trapped in it. Rahul said that I did some research about Chakravyuh, found out that its other name is Padma Vyuh, which is shaped like a lotus. Sir, a new Chakravyuh has been prepared in the 21st century. That too is shaped like a lotus, the PM carries its symbol on his chest. The same Chakravyuh is happening with farmers, medium-sized businesses, Drona, Kritavarma, Shakuni, Kripacharya, Ashwatthama, even today there are 6 people in the seed of the Chakravyuh.
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The question of property rights
Rahul Gandhi said that no one person has the right to own the entire wealth of the country. He said that financial power, institutions, agencies, CBI, ED, Income Tax and the third political executive are the heart of this Chakravyuh. Rahul said that I had hoped that this budget would weaken this Chakravyuh. It will help farmers and laborers. Its intention is to strengthen big business, political monopolies and agencies.
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Targeting demonetisation
Rahul Gandhi attacked through demonetisation, GST and tax terrorism. You did nothing in the budget to stop this. Your policies helped big businesses during Covid and destroyed small businesses, due to which the youth of the country are not able to get employment today. A youth is not able to get employment.
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Questions raised on internship program
Rahul Gandhi said that you have kept an internship program in the budget. You said that it will be in the top 5 companies. 99 percent of the youth have nothing to do with this internship program. The Congress leader said that today the main issue of the youth is paper leak in the examination. Wherever we go, they say there is unemployment but paper leaks also happen. Papers have been leaked 70 times in 10 years.