South star family Chiranjeevi, his wife Surekha, son Ram Charan, daughter-in-law Upasana Kamineni and granddaughter Clin Cara recently attended the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics 2024. They are still in Paris. They supported Hyderabad-based and India's top badminton player PV Sindhu a lot during the match and PV Sindhu was very happy to see this. He showed the whole family every corner of the venue, from the gym to the food area. Upasana has shared a lot of pictures and videos on social media, which are going viral. PV Sindhu played a match against Fatima Abdul Razzaq of Maldives on Sunday. During this, Ram Charan and his wife Upasana Kamineni were also present. They encouraged PV Sindhu a lot during the match, after which the player wished the whole family.
Olympics 2024: Chiranjeevi in London with son Ram Charan, daughter-in-law Upasana and wife, went on a walk with granddaughter Klein Kara, glimpse seen
PV Sindhu visits the Olympic Village
After this, PV Sindhu took the star family on a tour of the Olympic Village. She showed every corner from the gym to the dining area built for the players. Upasana also gives a virtual tour to her followers. In a video, PV Sindhu also pampered Ram Charan and Upasana's pet dog Rhyme.
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'PV Sindhu you are a true rock star'
Ram Charan shared a photo with PV Sindhu and encouraged her by writing in the caption, 'Towards victory. Best wishes to Team India. PV Sindhu you are a true rock star.'
Ram Charan and Chiranjeevi with the tricolor
Veteran actor Chiranjeevi has shared a new photo from the Paris Olympics on Twitter, in which he is seen with his family. He and Ram Charan also waved the national flag.
Ram Charan's upcoming movie 'Game Changer'
Talking about the work front, RRR actor Ram Charan will be seen in the Telugu film 'Game Changer'. In this, he is playing the role of an IAS officer named Ram Nandan. This action thriller film is being directed by S Shankar. The film also stars Kiara Advani, who will play the role of Deepika. It will be released in December 2024.