Why? Because today in this article we are going to tell you about 2 such things, which if you apply on your face every morning and evening, then the beauty of your face will increase in such a way that you will start looking younger than your age. So without any delay, let us know which two things we are talking about and how to use them.
Uses of aloe vera
Everyone gets tired after coming home from office and this tiredness is clearly visible on our face. If you too are not able to take care of your skin due to thousands of tasks, then you can use aloe vera. This recipe will help to fulfill all the needs of your skin and bring back the complexion of the face and you can apply it anytime.
How to apply aloe vera on the face?
Aloe vera is a plant that is found in most homes and is very beneficial for hair and skin. You can apply aloe vera, rich in antioxidants, directly on your face.
It works to hydrate our skin, remove dead skin cells and increase collagen in the skin. Which is very beneficial in bringing back the complexion of our face.
See also: How to use aloe vera for glowing skin
Gram flour will bring back the complexion of the face
Gram flour has been used since ancient times to clean dirt from the face. If you apply gram flour paste on your face, it will not only cool the face but will also remove your fatigue. In such a situation, when you feel relaxed, the glow of the face will automatically increase manifold.
Use this face pack to make your skin glow
how to use gram flour on face
You can use a face pack made of gram flour to remove fatigue and dullness from your face. For this, you have to mix 1 teaspoon of gram flour with 1 teaspoon of curd and 2 pinches of turmeric and apply it on your face.
Keep it on your face for 10 minutes and then wash your face. After washing your face, you will see an increase in the glow of your face. You can use this remedy twice a week.
(Disclaimer: This article is for your information. Also remember that everyone's skin is different, so do not forget to do a patch test before adopting any remedy. If your skin is sensitive or you have any kind of allergy, then talk to a skin specialist first. Use anything on your skin only as per their advice.)
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