This analysis shows that not only is there a huge difference in the curriculum and examination pattern of the school boards, but the lack of infrastructure in the schools affiliated to them is also a major factor that affects classroom teaching. This analysis was done for schools of 69 recognized education boards of the country.
library class time table
The analysis has shown that 39% of the schools affiliated to board schools have almost no books in their libraries, which is a matter of concern. 18% of board schools have 1 to 200 books in their libraries. 43% of board schools have more than 200 books in their libraries. This means that about 43% of board schools have no shortage of books in their libraries. But a very large number of schools have a shortage of books in their libraries.
The report states that in the National Curriculum Framework (School Education)-2023, the library has been considered a very important part of the teaching-learning process. Library period has been made compulsory in the timetable of classes up to the middle stage. It has been said to promote new experiments including digital library.
5% board schools do not even have computers
The report states that at least 12 school boards have reported that only a few of their affiliated schools have computer facilities. Most of the schools of 50% boards have computers, while only a few schools of 45% boards have this facility. None of the schools of 5% boards have computers. This means that in this age of IT and digital technology, students of these boards do not get any information from their schools.
At the same time, many schools in the country are lagging behind in terms of basic facilities. The report has revealed that only 54% board schools have drinking water facilities. Flush toilet facilities are available in only 32% board schools. It has been recommended that every school of every board should have basic facilities at all costs.
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