Pankaj Tripathi, who hails from Bihar, may now live in the city of dreams, Mumbai, but the village still resides in his heart. The biggest example of this is the actor's luxurious house located in Mumbai's Mud Island. Where amidst the modern design interiors, there is also a hand-woven cot from the village. On Pankaj Tripathi's birthday, we are also showing you a glimpse of his beautiful house. (Photo courtesy: Instagram @pankajtripathi, @mrids_)
Male entry
First of all, talking about the main entrance of Pankaj Tripathi's house, there is a brown wooden gate. As soon as you enter the house, you will see a beautiful painting which you got as a gift. It has a picture of actor Pankaj Tripathi and his wife Mridula Tripathi. There are cream colored tiles on the floor which match the white color of the walls.
The cot is the most special
Now talking about the outer look of the house, his bungalow looks very luxurious. A hand-woven cot has been placed outside the house, which shows the actor's love for Bihar and the village. The actor's house looks very beautiful from outside as well. White pillars and wooden glass windows and doors further enhance its beauty.
living area
The living area in Pankaj Tripathi's house is near the balcony. There are sofas of silver and blue shades here. Traditional design cushions are placed on the sofa. It is decorated very beautifully with plants and matching curtains. The actor and his family often get photographs taken in the living area.
Light color of the walls
Almost every wall of Pankaj Tripathi's house is painted white. White tiles and brown furniture look classy. Pankaj Tripathi's wife Mridula has decorated the entire house with plants and decorative items. There are not many, but perfect and beautiful things kept there.
The temple is also beautiful
There is a small and beautiful temple in the actor's house. It has a big picture of Lord Ganesha. However, the couple does separate decorations for the installation of Ganpati Bappa. There are many small and big plants behind Ganeshji. The surrounding area is also decorated with flowers and leaves. This gives a feeling of nature.
Beautiful Mumbai seen from the balcony
A very beautiful view of Mumbai can be seen from the balcony of Pankaj Tripathi's house located in a posh area. The balcony is also decorated with different plants. The special thing is that the wooden floor is also made in traditional design. Which adds to the beauty of his house.
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