Will you get a well-paid job after MBA or PGDM? Just follow these 7 expert tips

Orhan Wadia
Orhan Wadia - Editor
4 Min Read

Highest Salaried Job Tips after MBA and PGDM: According to a report, the employability of MBA graduates is 54 percent, which is considered to be the highest among various professional courses. This figure highlights the career benefits of pursuing this course and also underlines the importance of preparation and proactive effort to increase job opportunities. Today we are going to share with you some expert tips to get top placements after PGDM and MBA. Know from the expert – Sunil Kala, Placement Chairman, FOSTIIMA Business School-Delhi.

1. Determine your career goals

Take some time to consider and clarify your career goals before you begin a job search. What industries or roles match your interests and skill set? Are you seeking a leadership role or want to advance in a specific field? Clarifying your objectives will help you narrow your job search and focus on prospects that match your goals.

2. A strong network is important

Networking plays a vital role in career development. MBA also provides many opportunities to meet field experts, alumni and recruiters. Attend networking events, join industry associations and use online platforms like LinkedIn to expand your professional network. Developing meaningful relationships can open up desired job opportunities and provide valuable information about industry trends.

3. Focus on expanding your portfolio

3. Focus on expanding your portfolio

Your identity represents your personal advantage to potential recruiters. Create a powerful CV and LinkedIn profile that highlights your achievements, skills and leadership abilities. Invest in improving your storytelling skills so that you can effectively share your career story in interviews and networking events. A strong personal identity sets you apart in a competitive job market and also increases your popularity among companies.

4. Role of skills and certifications

4. Role of skills and certifications

Recruiters value applicants who have a variety of skills and are able to adapt to changing industry trends. Identify skills in your preferred field and invest in obtaining appropriate certifications or attending specialized training programs.

5. The need for continuous learning

5. The need for continuous learning

A commitment to continuous learning and skills upgrading increases your marketability and establishes you as a valuable candidate to potential employers.

6. SWOT analysis

6. SWOT analysis

Use SWOT analysis as part of your roadmap to success after MBA. Start by understanding your strengths where you are really good at. Then, also be honest about your weaknesses where you can really improve. Look for opportunities, such as industries where MBAs are in high demand. But don't forget about threats, such as tough competition or economic challenges. By focusing on these four things, you will be better prepared to manage the job market after your MBA/PGDM.

7. Determination is essential

7. Determination is essential

The key is to be proactive, strategic, and adaptable in your approach. With determination and the right preparation, you can achieve your career goals and make the most of your MBA degree.

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