New Delhi: After the Lok Sabha elections, Congress and Aam Aadmi Party are coming together once again. This time the occasion is the Haryana assembly elections. Assembly elections are to be held in Haryana next month for which voting will be held on October 5. Before that, both the parties can contest the elections together. However, there is no consensus on seat sharing yet. It is believed that everything can be finalized by this evening.There can be talks on seat sharing
It is being said quoting sources that leaders of both AAP and Congress parties are in talks regarding seat sharing in Haryana. According to media reports, Aam Aadmi Party wants 5 to 7 seats in Haryana, but it has not been revealed which will be the main seats. Congress believes that Aam Aadmi Party should be given seats in urban areas. Earlier on Thursday, AAP MP Raghav Chadha met Deepak Babaria. Now talks with Congress MP Rahul Gandhi are also possible on this issue.
When are the elections in Haryana?
After the new dates, elections will be held in Haryana on October 5. Voting will be held here in a single phase. There are a total of 90 seats in the Haryana Assembly, the results of which will be declared on October 8. Earlier, voting was to be held in Haryana on October 1, which was later changed by the Election Commission to October 5. The term of the 90-seat Haryana Assembly is ending on November 3.