Amidst the divorce rumors, Aishwarya Rai's ring has suddenly become a topic of discussion. Actually Aishwarya Rai Bachchan often wears a V-shaped ring and it is called Vadungila or Venki. It is a traditional ring and is said to be a traditional jewelry worn by married women of Karnataka, especially Tulu.
The belief behind this ring of Aishwarya
The belief behind this ring is that it is a symbol of good luck, fortune, health and success and it also represents the clan that worships the snake deity. In Tulunadu, women definitely wear this ring after marriage. However, it is said that it is also known by different names in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Tamil Nadu.
It is said that it protects the bride or women from evil eyes
Since Aishwarya belongs to the Bunt community of Karnataka, which follows the matriarchal system, Vadungila is an integral part of their cultural heritage. It is believed that it protects the bride or women from evil eyes. On this post, people are constantly saying- I wish this ring would take care of the relationship of these two. At the same time, some people have said- I wish this ring would protect them from all evil eyes.
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