New Delhi: While participating in the discussion on the budget, BJP MP Anurag Thakur strongly countered Rahul Gandhi's speech on Tuesday. Rahul Gandhi had targeted the government through the budget halwa and said that there is no Dalit officer in it. Taking a jibe at this, Anurag Thakur said that Rahul ji, was the halwa sweet or tasteless. Some people talk about OBC, for them OBC means Only for Brother in Law Commission. The prince of the party which pulled the dhoti of its own party president, who comes from the backward society, is giving us gyaan. After this there was a lot of uproar in the Lok Sabha.
Anurag Thakur said that he will have to understand the meaning of the leader of the opposition. There is a lot of talk about OBC and census, but the one whose caste is not known talks about census. After this, the uproar of Congress members started. Meanwhile, Rahul Gandhi said that we will pass the caste census here. In this country, whoever raises the issue of Dalits and tribals, whoever fights for them has to face abuses. Rahul Gandhi said that I will happily bear all these abuses. Talking about Mahabharata, in Mahabharata, Arjuna only saw the eye of the fish, similarly I have also seen only the eye of the fish and we will get the caste census done at any cost.
Anurag Thakur targeted Rahul Gandhi's Chakravyuh statement and said that the country was divided because of the first Chakravyuh. The second NG gave the country the problem of Kashmir and gifted India's land to the Chinese. In the third Chakravyuh, former PM IG gave the country emergency and unrest in Punjab. The fourth RG-1 gave Bofors and massacred the Sikhs. The fifth SG spread hatred towards the Sanatan Dharma tradition.
You protected scams worth Rs 12 lakh crore. You threw the country's economy into a whirlpool. You are the sixth person who has caused so much damage to the country's politics and parliamentary tradition in the last 15 years, as much as these other 6 Chakravyuhas combined could not. As far as the seventh is concerned, I would not like to name him. All the seven Chakravyuhas together have given us things like poverty, hunger, terrorism.
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