During this, Chief Justice DY Chandrachud said that judges are satisfied when the parties settle a case among themselves. Certainly, in any legal battle, the judges hear the case and give the verdict, but when the matter is settled by mutual consent between the parties, there is more satisfaction. Cases are being settled in Lok Adalat in seven benches of the Supreme Court.
A special Lok Adalat is being organized in 7 benches every day from Monday to Friday in the Supreme Court. It started on Monday. Supreme Court Chief Justice DY Chandrachud said on Monday that the Lok Adalat cases will be heard and settled in the first 7 benches every day from 2 to 3 pm.
The Chief Justice said that the special Lok Adalat will start from Monday and will continue till Friday. During this time, the matter will be settled by mutual consent. This initiative has been taken to reduce the pending cases in the court. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court said that the Lok Adalat will first settle the cases in seven benches. If any lawyer has such cases, he can go directly to the Lok Adalat.
The purpose behind this Lok Adalat is to settle minor disputes. During this time, disputes related to services, land disputes, salary or wages, motor accident cases, cheque bounce cases and family disputes etc. will be settled. For this, a pre-Lok Adalat was set up so that the case could be brought to the Lok Adalat. After the cases in his court were over, the Chief Justice also inspected the proceedings in the remaining Lok Adalats.
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