We have to free society from the pressure of professional pessimists…PM Modi has hinted at a new government

My dear countrymen,
One phase of the biggest celebration of democracy in the motherland of democracy is being completed today on 1st June. After a three-day spiritual journey in Kanyakumari, I have just boarded the plane to Delhi… voting is taking place in Kashi and many other seats. So many experiences, so many emotions… I feel an immense energy flowing within me.

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Indeed, there have been many pleasant coincidences in this election of 24. In this first Lok Sabha election of Amritkaal, I started my campaign from Meerut, the inspiration place of the first freedom struggle of 1857. While doing parikrama of Maa Bharati, my last meeting of this election was held in Hoshiarpur, Punjab. The privilege of holding the last meeting in Punjab, the land of our Gurus, the place of penance of Saint Ravidas ji is also very special. After this, I got the opportunity to sit at the feet of Bharat Mata in Kanyakumari. In those initial moments, the noise of elections was echoing in my mind. Countless faces seen in rallies, road shows were coming in front of my eyes. That wave of infinite love of mothers-sisters-daughters, their blessings… that trust in their eyes for me, that affection… I was absorbing everything. My eyes were getting moist… I was going into the void, entering meditation.

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Within moments, the political debates, the attacks and counter-attacks…the voices and words of accusation all vanished. A feeling of detachment intensified in my mind…my mind became completely detached from the outside world.

Such sadhana is difficult amidst such big responsibilities, but the land of Kanyakumari and the inspiration of Swami Vivekananda made it easy. I had left my election as an MP at the feet of my voters of Kashi. I am also grateful to God that he gave me these values ​​from birth. I was also thinking what Swami Vivekananda must have experienced while doing sadhana at that place! Some part of my sadhana was spent in a similar flow of thoughts.

Amidst this quietness, peace and silence, thoughts about India's bright future and India's goals were flowing incessantly in my mind. The rising sun of Kanyakumari was giving new heights to my thoughts, the vastness of the ocean was expanding my thoughts and the expanse of the horizon was making me realize the unity hidden in the depths of the universe. It seemed as if the thoughts and experiences made in the lap of the Himalayas decades ago were being revived.

This place of Kanyakumari has always been very close to my heart. Vivekananda Shila Smarak in Kanyakumari was built by Shri Eknath Ranade. I had the opportunity to travel a lot with Eknath ji. During the construction of this memorial, it was natural for me to stay in Kanyakumari for some time and visit there.

From Kashmir to Kanyakumari…this is our common identity which is deeply embedded in the heart of every citizen of the country. This is the Shakti Peeth where Maa Shakti incarnated as Kanya Kumari. It was at this southern end that Maa Shakti performed penance and waited for Lord Shiva who was residing in the Himalayas at the northernmost end of India.

Kanyakumari is the land of the confluence of confluences. The sacred rivers of our country flow into different seas and here those seas meet. And here another great confluence is seen – the ideological confluence of India!

Along with Vivekananda Rock Memorial, there is a huge statue of Saint Tiruvalluvar, Gandhi Mandapam and Kamaraj Mani Mandapam. These streams of thoughts of great heroes form a confluence of national thinking here. This gives birth to great inspirations of nation building. To those who doubt India being a nation and the unity of the country, this land of Kanyakumari gives an indelible message of unity.

The huge statue of Saint Tiruvalluvar in Kanyakumari seems to be looking at the expanse of Mother India from the sea. His masterpiece 'Thirukkural' is like a jeweled crown of Tamil literature. It describes every aspect of life, which inspires us to give our best for ourselves and the country. It was my privilege to pay tribute to such a great personality.

Swami Vivekananda said – Every nation has a message to convey, a mission to fulfil and a destiny to reach.

India has been moving ahead with this spirit and meaningful objectives for thousands of years. India has been the center of research of ideas for thousands of years. Whatever we have earned, we have never considered it as our personal capital and have never measured it on economic or material parameters. That is why, 'Idam Na Mam' has become a natural and spontaneous part of the character of India.

The welfare of the world is dependent on the welfare of India, the progress of the world is dependent on the progress of India, our freedom movement is also a great example of this. India became independent on 15 August 1947. At that time many countries of the world were in slavery. Those countries also got inspiration and strength from India's independence, they achieved independence. Now the example of the difficult period of Corona is also in front of us. When apprehensions were being expressed about poor and developing countries, but, India's successful efforts encouraged and strengthened many countries.

Today, India's governance model has become an example for many countries of the world. The rise of 25 crore people above the poverty line in just 10 years is unprecedented. Innovative experiments like people-friendly good governance, aspiring district, aspiring block are being discussed in the world today. From empowerment of the poor to last mile delivery, our efforts to give priority to the person standing in the last row of the society have inspired the world. India's Digital India campaign is an example for the whole world today that how we can use technology to empower the poor, bring transparency, give them their rights. In India, cheap data is becoming a medium of social equality by ensuring access to information and services to the poor. The whole world is looking at this democratization of technology from a research point of view and big global institutions are advising many countries to learn from our model.

Today, India's progress and rise is not just a big opportunity for India. It is also a historic opportunity for all our partner countries across the world. After the success of the G-20, the world is acknowledging India's role more vocally. Today India is being accepted as a strong and important voice of the Global South. It was on India's initiative that the African Union became a part of the G-20 group. This has proved to be a turning point for the future of all African countries.

This form of New India fills us with pride and glory, but at the same time it also makes 140 crore countrymen aware of their duties. Now, without wasting a moment, we have to move towards bigger responsibilities and bigger goals. We have to dream new dreams. We have to make our dreams our life, and start living them.

We have to see India's development in a global perspective and for this it is necessary that we understand India's inherent strengths. We have to accept India's strengths, strengthen them and use them to the fullest in the interest of the world. In today's global conditions, India's strength as a young nation is such a happy coincidence and golden opportunity for us, from which we have no need to look back.

The 21st century world is looking towards India with great expectations. And to move ahead in the global scenario, we will have to make many changes. We will also have to change our traditional thinking about reform. India cannot limit reform to just economic changes. We will have to move forward in the direction of reform in every sphere of life. Our reform should also be in line with the resolution of a developed India by 2047.

We also have to understand that reform can never be a single process for any country. That is why I have a vision of reform, perform and transform for the country. The responsibility of reform lies with the leadership. Based on that, our bureaucracy performs and then when the public joins it, we see change happening.

To make India a developed India, we will have to make excellence our motto. We will have to work swiftly in all the four directions, Speed, Scale, Scope and Standards. We will have to focus on Quality along with Manufacturing, we will have to imbibe the mantra of Zero Defect- Zero Effect.

We should be proud every moment that God has given us birth on the land of India. God has chosen us to serve India and play our role in helping it reach heights. We have to redefine our heritage in a modern way by adopting ancient values ​​in a modern form.

As a nation, we have to reform our old thinking and beliefs. We have to free our society from the pressure of professional pessimists. We have to remember that freedom from negativity is the first medicine to achieve success. Success grows in the lap of positivity.

My faith, devotion and belief in the infinite and immortal power of India is increasing day by day. I have seen and experienced this power of India increasing even more in the last 10 years. Just as we used the fourth-fifth decade of the 20th century for our independence, similarly in these 25 years of the 21st century we have to lay the foundation of a developed India. During the freedom struggle, that time was a time of sacrifice for the countrymen. Today's time is not a time of sacrifice, but a time of continuous contribution.

Swami Vivekananda had said in 1897 that we have to dedicate the next 50 years only and only for the nation. Exactly 50 years after his call, India became independent in 1947. Today we have a similar golden opportunity. Let us dedicate the next 25 years only and only for the nation. Our efforts will remain immortal as a strong foundation of new India for generations and centuries to come. Looking at the energy of the country, I can say that the goal is not far now. Come, let us move fast… move together, make India developed.

(This thought was written by Prime Minister Modi on June 1 between 4:15 and 7 pm in the plane while returning from Kanyakumari to Delhi.)

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