New Delhi. The new captain of the Indian cricket team, Suryakumar Yadav, has become even more humble after getting the new responsibility. BCCI has released a video of this great T20 batsman. In the video, Suryakumar is seen with his same cheerfulness and is saying that there is wealth, there is fame… Suryakumar Yadav is saying in this video that the most important thing he has learned from the current team is to remain humble.
The beginning of the video released by BCCI is funny. Surya says at the beginning of this video, 'First of all I want to say that Dilip sir is hitting shots from there, so we should come here.' After this he says – there is wealth, there is fame… then after a pause he says – there is respect… Seeing the video it is known that it has been shot during the practice session.
Surya further says, 'The most important thing I have learned by being with the current team is how humble you are. Whether you are achieving something or not doing well. Whatever you are doing on the ground, leave it there. This is not life. This is just a part of life. It is not that if you are playing well then you should fly high and if you are playing badly then you should remain bowed down. You should not do this.'
,, #SLVIND , @surya_14kumar
— BCCI (@BCCI) July 26, 2024
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