In this video that surfaced on social media, Arbaaz Khan is first seen holding the girl's hand. He takes the girl to the car parked behind by holding her hand. In between, the girl looks at Arbaaz and then Shura is also seen near the car. However, another woman is already seen sitting inside the car and Shura holds the girl and makes her sit in the car.
Shura put the children in the car and sat in another car herself
After this, Shura goes and sits in the car parked in front and then Arbaaz is also seen sitting in that car. After watching this video, people have started asking questions. Some have asked whether Shura has a daughter? At the same time, some have written – even if she has a daughter from her first husband, so what, Arbaaz Khan is not a bachelor, he also has such a big 22-year-old son.
There is an age difference of 25 years between Arbaaz and Shura
Let us tell you that last year Arbaaz surprised everyone by announcing his marriage with Shura. The wedding was kept very low profile and only close people and relatives attended it. In an interview, Arbaaz had told that there is an age difference of 25 years between him and Shura and there were also reports that Shura also has an 8-year-old daughter from her first husband.
Shura's first marriage was with an interior designer
It is said that Shura's first marriage was with an interior designer. It was told that compatibility issues started increasing between the two and fed up with the daily fights, both of them finally separated. There was also news that the Khan family was not aware of this truth about Shura and due to this the family members were not happy with this marriage. However, later Arbaaz Khan called these reports baseless.
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