US military aid will strengthen resistance against totalitarianism: Taiwan's newly elected president

Ronit Kawale
Ronit Kawale - Senior Editor
3 Min Read

Praising the US$8 billion military aid package recently passed by the US House of Representatives, Taiwan's newly elected President Lai Ching-tey stressed that the move “bolsters resistance against totalitarianism”, reports Voice of America. will strengthen” and build confidence in the region.

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After months of delay, the US Senate successfully passed a US$95 billion package aimed at providing aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan.

According to Voice of America, in addition to the US$8 billion designated for Taiwan, an additional US$1.9 billion is also earmarked to compensate for US weapons sent to Taiwan and other regional allies.

According to Lai, the bill underlines Washington's “commitment to Taiwan's security”, emphasizing its role in “ensuring peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and helping to enhance confidence in the region”.

These sentiments were expressed during discussions with the visiting US delegation, which included Representatives Lisa McClain and Dan Kildee from Michigan. The purpose of the lawmakers' visit to Taiwan was to address regional security concerns.

The timing of the delegation's visit is significant in the backdrop of rising tensions with China. Beijing's territorial claims on Taiwan, as well as its demonstrated willingness to employ force, underline the urgency of strengthening Taiwan's security. Since Lai's election in January, Beijing has increased pressure on Taipei, regularly deploying military assets near the island.

Kildee highlighted the significance of the delegation's visit following the passage of the aid bill by the House and stressed its vital role in ensuring regional security.

During the meeting McClain said: “Peace is our goal. But to do that, we have to build relationships and we value your relationship. According to the Voice of America report, McClain spoke about Taiwan during the visit, not only militarily, but also economically.

After months of delay, the US Senate successfully passed a US$95 billion package aimed at providing aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan.

The bipartisan effort marks a significant victory for President Joe Biden, congressional Democrats and Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell, who has been a staunch supporter of Ukraine despite growing reluctance from some within his own party.

The sweeping package, which now awaits President Biden's signature, ties together four bills that previously faced hurdles in both houses of Congress. According to a CNN report, this legislative achievement came after a rare Saturday session in the House, where nearly US$61 billion was approved for Ukraine, more than US$26 billion for Israel and more than US$8 billion for the Indo-Pacific. More assistance was approved.

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