This time the UP constable exam will be held in two shifts and about 5 lakh candidates will appear in each shift. According to the notice, there is a slight difference in the exam dates due to the festival of Janmashtami. Tight security arrangements are being made after the paper leak incident. The UP Police Recruitment Board is keeping a close watch on security at every step.
UP Police Constable Re-Exam Security Arrangements: Police Recruitment Board is keeping a close watch
- The Police Recruitment Board is conducting all the checks before conducting the exam again. Many aspects of security are being checked to ensure that there is no malpractice in the Police Constable Recruitment Exam.
- The board has also asked whether CCTV cameras are installed in the doors and corridors of the treasury or not. Information has also been sought about the type of DVR and hard disk of the cameras.
- Enquiries were also made about the working hours of the policemen and security guards posted at the treasury, their movement records and fire safety arrangements.
- The Police Recruitment Board has asked the police captains of all the districts how many ways are there in the treasury through which people come in and go out and how many windows are there. The recruitment board will take any further decision only after getting complete information from the police captains of the districts.
Let us tell you that earlier the UP Police Constable 2024 exam was conducted on 17th and 18th February, but it was canceled due to paper leak. This decision was taken by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and he ordered to conduct the Police Constable Recruitment 2024 exam again within six months to ensure transparency and honesty in the examination process. This recruitment drive is being conducted to fill a total of 60,244 vacancies for the post of Constable Civil Police.
This time, candidates appearing for the exam will get the facility of free bus service of Uttar Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation. Candidates traveling by bus will have to print two extra copies of their admit card and show one copy to the bus conductor to go to the district of the examination center and the other copy to return to their district after the exam.
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