Questions are also being raised on the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) in the case. Taking action, the coaching center 'Drishti IAS' of famous IAS guru Vikas Divyakirti has also been sealed. There too, like the Self Study Center of Old Rajendra Nagar, classes were being conducted in the basement. The Municipal Corporation of Delhi has intensified the investigation of coaching centers. Anyway, here we are talking about students and their problems, so the web series Aspirants available on OTT and the film 12th Fail are also worth watching. These tell what difficulties the students preparing for UPSC have to face, what mental problems they struggle with-
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This web series of TVF has got 9.2 rating on IMDb. Arunabh Kumar and Shreyas Pandey are its producers. Deepesh Sumitra Jagdish has written its story and Apoorv Singh Karki has directed it. The story of the series is about three friends Abhilash, Gauri and SK preparing for UPSC in Rajendra Nagar Delhi. These characters are played by Naveen Kasturia, Shivkant Parihar and Abhilash Thapiyal. Along with these three friends, there is also the story of Sandeep Bhaiya. This character is played by Sunny Hinduja. The web series has an unmatched journey from UPSC preparation to friendship and continuing to hope for success after failure.
The first season of this series premiered in the year 2021. While its second season came in 2023. Aspirants web series is available on Amazon Prime Video on OTT.
12 Fail
Any amount of praise for this film, which is releasing in the year 2023, is less. Vidhu Vinod Chopra has directed this biographical drama, written its story and also produced it. It is based on the real life story of IPS officer Manoj Kumar Sharma, who fought poverty and fulfilled his dream of serving the uniform and the country. Vikrant Massey is in the lead role in the film and he has done a tremendous job. Apart from him, the film also stars Medha Shankar, Anant Joshi, Ayushmann Pushkar and Priyanshu Chatterjee. This success story of Manoj, who came from Chambal Valley, famous for dacoits, won the hearts of the audience and proved to be a superhit.
Made on a budget of just Rs 20 crore, '12th Fail' made a net collection of Rs 69.40 crore at the Indian box office. The film is available on OTT on Disney Plus Hotstar.