Twinkle Khanna has shared a video on social media in which her fans are unable to understand whether she is pregnant or not. Twinkle has also mentioned pregnancy, perimenopause club, menopause and anxiety in the video. Her fans are sharing their heartfelt feelings with her by commenting on the video.
Is Twinkle Khanna pregnant?
Twinkle Khanna has given this expression of confusion in the video- 'When you are 50 years old and your periods are late, you get confused whether it is menopause or pregnancy.' Twinkle wrote in the caption of her video- 'Is increasing anxiety at the age of 50 welcome to the perimenopause club? Tell me about your menopause experience. Also tell me if you have also felt such moments of confusion.'
How true is the news of Twinkle Khanna's pregnancy?
Why be afraid of pregnancy at the age of 50?
Many women commented on Twinkle's video and shared their experiences. Most women have experienced that when their periods get delayed at the age of 50, they do not understand whether it is the beginning of menopause or they have become pregnant.
Can you get pregnant at 50?
Dr. Sarita Naik, a gynecologist at Hinduja and Wockhardt Hospital in Mumbai, says that if periods are late at the age of 50, do not ignore it thinking it to be menopause. These can also be signs of pregnancy. It is not necessary that missing periods for the first time is menopause. Many women become pregnant even at the age of 50.
What to do if periods are late?
Every woman experiences menopause at different ages. Some women experience menopause at the age of 40 while some women experience it after the age of 50. In such a situation, being careless when periods are late can prove to be costly. Pregnancy is possible even after the age of 50, so it is important to get it checked. If periods are late, get a pregnancy test done and meet a gynecologist.
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