This person made a shocking prediction about jobs! He predicted the future of social media in 1997 itself

9 to 5 jobs are over: 9 to 5 jobs are considered the best in terms of both time and work. Be it students who want to work in the future or employees working in different shifts, everyone likes this timing. But LinkedIn's co-founder Reid Hoffman has made such a prediction about these jobs that people are thinking after hearing it. Yes, he says that by the year 2034, 9 to 5 jobs will end.

9 to 5 jobs will disappear

The co-founder of LinkedIn believes that they are seeing AI disrupting today's work and slowly eliminating the old job system in the world. Reid Hoffman said that it is not necessary that people will get jobs in the future, but they will work in freelance or gig economy. That is, people will work in many companies simultaneously under contract. However, there will be less job security in this. But it will provide you with more work options. Along with this, there will be flexibility in your profession.

Entrepreneur and investor Neil Taparia recently shared a post, writing, “Your 9 to 5 job is coming to an end. It will end by 2034. That's the new prediction from Reid Hoffman – the LinkedIn founder who predicted the rise of social media in 1997.”

Neil Taparia also told about those old predictions of Hoffman which later proved to be true. He had imagined social media, sharing economy and AI in 1997 itself. With the advent of ChatGPT, many jobs were in danger. At the same time, many companies started training employees to work with AI technology.

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