Jaya Bachchan said that I remember when the Nirbhaya incident happened. I cannot forget that pain even today. She said that after many years I am seeing such a discussion. Today I am standing here as a mother and a grandmother. I am very sad today. The incident that happened in Delhi is very painful and there should be no politics on it. During this, tears came in Jaya Bachchan's eyes.
SP MP Jaya Bachchan said that this is a very sad incident and we should not bring politics into it. We should rise above this. I understand everyone's feelings. Everyone is trying to work according to their own way. She said that we have come here to discuss public issues. We should discuss with our honesty and understanding. She said that there is talk of MCD, NDMC… someone is talking about this, someone is talking about that. This is the fault of all of us.
She said that when I came to Delhi before taking oath, my house was filled with water up to my knees. The agencies that look after the houses of MPs do not take care of the quality. We remain silent. We do not say anything. During this, she said that I am a fan of Sundhashu Trivedi ji and I like his language. Jaya Bachchan said that today he also did not speak from his heart. Today you asked him to listen.
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