This 46-year-old woman from UP has the longest hair in the world, she uses these things on her hair instead of chemicals

Many women are fond of keeping long hair, but even after trying, their hair either reaches below the shoulders or till the waist, but today we are going to tell you about a woman living in Uttar Pradesh, whose hair is so long that she has made her place in the Guinness Book of World Records.

We are talking about Smita Srivastava, who lives in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, who holds the record for having the longest hair of any living person in 2023, i.e. 7 feet 9 inches. You must be thinking, 'How do we know what this woman wears? Let us also try'. So today we are going to tell you the secret of Smita's long hair. (Photo courtesy: Instagram @smitalongesthair)

She has been growing her hair since she was 14

Smita Srivastava has been growing her hair since the age of 14 and today the length of her hair is more than 7 feet. Smita, who calls herself the real Rapunzel, never cuts her hair.

According to the information, it takes her 45 minutes to wash her hair. We know that you would be curious to know the secret of such long and thick hair. So let's know the secret of her long hair from Smita herself. (Photo courtesy: Instagram @smitalongesthair)

Massage your hair with these oils

Smita has shared a video on her Facebook account revealing the secret of her long and thick hair, in which she has told about the oil which she uses to increase the growth of her hair.

This oil is coconut oil, in which Smita mixes 1 teaspoon of fenugreek seed powder and applies it on the hair. Both the ingredients play an important role in hair growth. (Photo courtesy: Instagram @smitalongesthair)

Smita uses this special oil to grow her hair

Keep hair away from scissors

Keep hair away from scissors

In an interview to Guinness World Records, Smita said that she does not use scissors on her hair and there was a time when her hair started falling a lot. Then she collected the fallen hair instead of throwing it away, because the thought of throwing it away made her heart ache. (Photo courtesy: Instagram @smitalongesthair)

Smita's long floral braid

Use natural shampoo

Use natural shampoo

Smita also told that she follows a natural hair care routine. She avoids artificial shampoos and conditioners and uses natural herbs along with a mixture of things like egg, love juice and aloe vera on her hair. If you also want long and thick hair like Smita Srivastava, then you can try all these tips given by her. (Photo courtesy: Instagram @smitalongesthair)

See also: Easy hairstyles for long hair

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