These vegetables turn into poison as soon as they are kept in the fridge, the doctor warned- it will harm your body

​Usually we keep all the food items in the fridge. But do you know that not everything is worth keeping in the fridge. There are many things that if we keep them in the fridge, their colour, fragrance and taste all vanish. Ayurvedic diet expert Dr. Dimple Jangra is telling here which are those vegetables that can become poisonous if kept in the fridge.


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Keeping ginger in the fridge can cause fungus to grow in it quickly and can lead to kidney and liver failure. Therefore, ginger should not be kept in the fridge. Ginger is a very nutritious herb. It is said that eating ginger provides relief from problems like indigestion, constipation and flatulence. It is also rich in antioxidants.


Garlic should not be peeled and kept in the fridge, because it gets moldy quickly and consumption of moldy garlic can increase the risk of cancer. Keeping garlic in the fridge also destroys the oil present in it, which also spoils its taste. Therefore, always buy unpeeled garlic and peel it before use. Keep it outside instead of keeping it in the fridge.


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Often people cut half an onion and keep the other half in the fridge, this should not be done. By doing this, all the harmful bacteria from the surrounding environment go into the onion and it gets moldy. When someone in the house is sick, we often cut an onion and keep it in the corner of the room so that all the harmful bacteria present in the environment get absorbed in it.



Keeping potatoes in the fridge ruins their texture and taste. It is better to wrap them in a paper bag and store them at room temperature. Capsicum also becomes soft and tastes bad if kept in the fridge. It should also be stored at room temperature.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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